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Weather Policy

Soccer is an outdoor activity that may sometimes take place in less than comfortable weather conditions (temperatures, precipitation, etc). The safety of our players, coaches, and referees is our most important function as a soccer club.

If you see lightning or hear thunder, regardless of proximity to the field, all practices are to be paused and coaches, players, and spectator should move to the safety of their vehicles. Don't not seek shelter in breezeways or other open structures. All teams must wait 30 minutes from the last visible lightning or heard thunder before returning to the field. This is not an optional policy. Coaches found to be in violation of this policy will be held responsible.

If precipitation begins before or during a practice the head coach is responsible to determine that fields are safe for play as long as there is no lightning or thunder per the rule above.

If lightning or thunder is detected the head referee and/or NSC officials will stop the match and ALL participants MUST clear the fields immediately and seek shelter in their automobile. There will be a 30 minute waiting period after lightning is detected before play can resume.

In the event of heavy rainfall, the head referee and/or NSC officials will make the decision about game delays or cancellations. If it is determined that the fields are safe to play on and there is no thunder or lightning in the area...we are playing! If the fields become unsafe for players or referees (flooding, slipping, etc) matches will be stopped. We are asking all parents and players to be patient and flexible in case there are delays in matches.

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